Embark on your dorm life journey hassle-free!

Discover Dorm

Unlock the doors to a stress-free dorm shopping experience with The Dorm List. We will expertly guide you through the entire journey of selecting, purchasing, and managing all your dorm essentials. Say goodbye to the chaos and welcome the ease and convenience that we bring to your dorm life experience. Let us make your transition to college life seamless and enjoyable.

Discover our social community

Join Our Social Community!

Are you looking for a platform where you can connect with other freshmen and parents, share your thoughts, and exchange experiences about dorm life? Look no further! Join The Dorm List's social community today and become a part of a supportive network dedicated to making the transition to dorm life smoother for everyone.

By joining our social community, you can:

  • Share Your Experience: Share your tips, tricks, and experiences with other members to help them navigate the challenges of dorm life.

  • Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Connect with fellow freshmen and parents who are going through similar experiences and build lasting relationships.

  • Stay Informed: Get updates on the latest dorm essentials, trends, and tips to make your dorm life more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • Ask Questions: Have burning questions about dorm life? Our community is here to provide helpful answers and guidance.

Joining our social community is quick and easy. Simply sign up on our website and start interacting with a vibrant community dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect, share, and learn with others who understand the ins and outs of dorm life. See you there!

Have a question? Contact us on via social media, SMS or email