Seeking Academic Support as a First-Year College Student

Starting your college education is new and exciting, but many find the workload overwhelming. One of the keys to a successful first year of college is seeking academic support. Every campus is different, but no matter where you are, there are plenty of ways to get the help you need to succeed! Check out our list of the best ways to find academic support as a first-year college student below. 

Reach Out to Your Professors

Reaching out to your professors may seem intimidating as a first-year college student, but if you take the initiative, it will likely work out in your favor. Your professors are there to instruct and guide you—they can offer tips for success in their classes, clarification on course material, or insight into their respective fields. Here is some advice to follow while connecting with your professors for support. 

Introduce Yourself Early On

We know that your first day of college classes is intimidating enough. If you have the chance, though, try introducing yourself to your professor after class. Establishing a connection with your professor at the beginning of the course shows that you are interested in its material and committed to success!

Use Email Respectfully

When emailing a professor, be respectful with your questions and specific with your name and course number. Also, remember to consider the time of day. Avoid emailing your professors after regular business hours (9 am-5 pm) or on weekends. Remember, as long as you are respectful, your professors will get back to you with the advice you need in a timely manner.

Ask Questions

As a first-year student, asking your professors questions is crucial to mastering college courses. If you’re unclear on the class structure or course material, ask questions during or after class. Not only will you receive the clarification you need, but you’ll also communicate your dedication to understanding their class and field of expertise. 

Attend Office Hours

Office hours are designated times when professors and teaching assistants (TAs) are available to meet with students. Make sure to plan ahead and know what you’d like to discuss—time is limited during office hours! Be honest about any struggles you’re having with the course to receive the most effective advice from your professor. 

Create or Join Study Groups

As a first-year college student, you’ll likely be surprised to learn that many of your peers have many of the same questions and concerns as you. Try connecting with your classmates when looking for academic support. You can create or join groups that do homework and study together—and you may even make some new friends!

Utilize Peer Tutoring and Campus Resources

Many colleges offer peer tutoring programs and guidance centers to help students achieve academic success. Whether you need support with STEM courses or writing projects, check out your university’s website for information about all available resources. Remember, these resources are in place to help you! Utilize them as much as you need to, and never be ashamed to reach out for more support. 

You’re Ready for Academic Success!

Seeking academic support is a sign of strength and determination. By getting the guidance you need, you can build a foundation for your academic success. Remember, everyone needs help sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask for it!

Need any more tips on navigating life as a first-year college student? Check out more from The Dorm List! And, check out The Dorm List Mobile App! Get the annual subscription or try the freemium version to get started. 

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