How to Navigate Homesickness as a First-Year College Student

Starting your first year of college is a huge milestone filled with new brand experiences and excitement! However, it’s common for many first-year students to experience homesickness. Navigating life away from home for the first time comes with many challenges, but with the right tips and tricks, you can overcome homesickness and make the most of your college experience. Here’s some advice from The Dorm List to help you through your transition into college life. 

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Homesickness is very common among first-year college students. For many, this is the first time they have experienced life away from the comfort of a childhood home. In order to work through homesickness, it’s important first to recognize that your feelings are normal and valid. Allow yourself to feel these emotions knowing that nobody is judging you. Many students around you are experiencing the same struggle, and that can be a comforting thought when dealing with homesickness. 

Personalize Your Space

Moving into a dorm for your first year of college is the perfect opportunity to customize your space to make it feel like home! Decorating your living space with photos of your friends and family, posters of artists you love, or your favorite pillows and blankets will keep those comforting feelings of home with you in college at all times. Feeling comforted and secure in your dorm room will help you navigate the symptoms of homesickness. 

Stay Connected With Loved Ones

In today’s world, staying connected with loved ones through technology is easier than ever. Scheduling weekly calls with friends and family and keeping up daily through text messages are great ways to navigate feelings of homesickness. Be sure to maintain a healthy balance between calls and face-to-face interactions with the people in your new environment. You can find support for homesickness in many different people, be sure to build a balanced routine that fits your needs!

Join Your Campus Community

Getting involved on campus is one of the best ways to combat the symptoms of homesickness. Use your campus resources to find clubs, organizations, or sports teams that interest you. Not only are these great ways to meet new people on campus but they’re also an outlet to release the negative feelings of homesickness through an activity you enjoy. You can even find a sense of community in your classes. Try reaching out and connecting with classmates—you never know who you’ll meet!

Create a Daily Routine

Life as a college student can get busy at times! Building a structured daily routine for your first year of college is an effective way to fight homesickness. Make sure to lay out your schedule so you have time for all the essential college responsibilities—classes, homework, staying active, and rest. Keeping busy with assignments and meetings will offset feelings of homesickness, and leaving time for socialization with friends and relaxation will keep you calm and refreshed. 

Utilize Campus Resources

Most college campuses have resources dedicated to helping students with their mental health. While these often vary depending on the campus, commonly offered counseling services and peer support programs are helpful for students dealing with homesickness. These resources are in place to help you, so don’t be afraid to reach out for help!

Remember to Celebrate the Small Victories

While navigating homesickness as a first-year college student, it's important to set realistic expectations for yourself. These feelings won’t go away overnight, and that’s OK! Acknowledge your progress in dealing with homesickness and celebrate the small victories. Treat yourself to your favorite snacks or take a study break to watch your favorite movie to continue encouraging that progress. Remember, every victory, no matter how small, is still a victory!

The Dorm List is Here for You!

Need any more tips on navigating life as a first-year college student? Check out more from The Dorm List! And, check out The Dorm List Mobile App! Get the annual subscription or try the freemium version to get started. 

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