How to Hit the Ground Running as a First-Year College Student

As a rising freshman about to enter the world of college for the first time, you might be asking yourself, “Where do I even start?” Don’t stress— your experienced friend at The Dorm List is here to help! Your first semester of college may seem daunting right now, so we have some tips on how to hit the ground running. By following this advice, you can ease your transition into campus life and make the most of your first year of college!

Be Open

This may seem like some of the most obvious advice for first-year college students, but it is certainly some of the most valuable! Meeting new people is a struggle for some, but keeping an open mind is one of the best things a first-year college student can do to ease their transition into campus and dorm life. Try leaving your door open as much as possible during move-in week to chat with people walking by. Or, get to know a few people in your classes! Creating bonds around campus will comfort you as you begin your college journey and help you feel welcome in your new home.

Get to Know Your Campus

When I first stepped onto Ohio State’s campus three years ago, I was completely lost and overwhelmed. If you’re also nervous about navigating your campus, know this is a completely normal and valid feeling! The best way to combat these nerves is to get familiar with your new environment. Make a list of buildings you’ll be in your first semester and walk through your class schedule, or just aimlessly explore. Knowing where you need to be and how to get there will ensure you’re ready to master the first semester of classes, and you never know what hidden gems you’ll find on campus!

Check out the Club/Activity Fairs

At most colleges, welcome week is flooded with events and activities for new students to interact with each other. One of the most common events is often the club/activity fair, where all the student clubs, organizations, recreational sports teams, and religious groups come together to get first-year students involved on campus. The activity fair may seem overwhelming, especially on big college campuses. However, I always recommend attending to see what clubs or organizations fit your interests. Getting involved on your campus is a great way to meet new people and have fun, and the club fair is the best place to explore your options! 

Attend Sporting Events

At first thought, this advice may not seem suitable for everyone. However, as a soon-to-be college graduate who previously had limited interest in sporting events, I’ll tell you to keep an open mind once again! Attending various sporting events on campus is a great way to take a break from your studies, cheer on your fellow students, and show off that school pride. At most colleges, sporting events are often free with a student ID, so explore every sport your school has to offer. These events will help you feel a sense of community, and you might even discover a new interest!

Create a Weekly Routine

Once you are moved into your dorm and settled on your new campus, it’s helpful to create a weekly plan for your first semester. Use a digital calendar or written planner to organize all your classes, activities, and assignment deadlines. Once you master your school-related responsibilities, you can find time to relax and socialize with your new friends. Following a set schedule each week will ensure that you are confident in your environment and prepared to take on your first year of college!

The Dorm List is Here For You!

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during your first year of college, but you are prepared! Don’t let your fear prevent you from creating lasting memories and enjoying these next few years. Follow these steps throughout your first weeks, and you’ll master college life in no time!

Need any more tips on navigating life as a first-year college student? Check out more from The Dorm List! And, check out The Dorm List Mobile App! Get the annual subscription or try the freemium version to get started. 

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